Yoga: Downward Dog

Downward-facing Dog, Qi, & Acupuncture meridians

Resting in Downward-facing Dog pose strengthens the musculature of the arms, shoulders, chest, and upper back. It stretches the muscles in the ankles, calves, thighs, and low back. The forward bend affects the stomach and intestines, helping improve digestion. Deep resting breathes in Downward-facing Dog can alleviate anxiety, sadness, and agitation, and fatigue; allowing the mind to feel calm and the body to feel energized.

Downward-facing Dog, sometimes referred to as “Down Dog,” activates the bladder meridian which is the longest meridian in the body. It has 67 acupuncture points and runs from the inner eye, up and over the head, down the entire spine and posterior leg, along the side of the foot, ending at the small toe (pinkie toe).

The back of the body is the most yang (external, superficial), acting as the initial connection with the outside world. It is considered the first line of defense against invaders from the external environment (cold, wind, pollens, microbes).

Downward-facing Dog allows for elongation of the bladder channel, encouraging the flow of qi (energy) and strengthening the primary immune defense.

Keep in mind, Downward-facing Dog is not for everyone (i.e. the pregnant, the carpal-tunnel sufferers, and those experiencing diarrhea, etc.)

I recommend showing up or signing up for a class at a local yoga studio near you. The art and practice of yoga is not a competition, work within the means of your own body and ability. The instructor will guide you in keeping good form which protects you against injury during class.

Movement is an important part of your heath maintenance lifestyle.

Be Well.