Therapies at Valley Naturopathic & Acupuncture
CLINICAL Nutrition
A health promoting diet is the foundation of wellness. Clinical nutrition consists of using diet and nutritional supplements (vitamin, minerals, etc.) as a therapeutic modality.
Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food. —-Hippocrates
Clinical Nutrition includes vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids which may be recommended in supplement form. The issue of supplement quality is important.
Botanical medicine & chinese herbal medicine
Medicinal use of plants. Historically, medicinal plants are traditional medicine!
Botanical medicine may be a single plant or a combination.
Acupuncture treatment involves inserting very fine, sterile (one-time use) needles into sites on the body (acupuncture points). These acupuncture points are where neural pathways and blood vessels and capillaries accumulate. The stimulation of these points accesses the nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine system and other subtle communication systems in our bodies.
Acupuncture provides drug-free pain relief, regulates the nervous system and provides feelings of deep relaxation. It is an excellent preventative medicine, effectively treats numerous acute and chronic ailments, treats the root cause of disease as well as the presenting symptoms, and holistically treats a person’s mind, body, and emotions.
Injection therapies
IM and SC injection therapies
B12 given IM, often used for those who have difficulty with B12 absorption or deficiency.
Injected homeopathics to help with healing- especially for pain.
Laser Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy using MultiRadiance Pulsed laser therapy. Cold lasers are FDA cleared for pain control, inflammation reduction and accelerated healing. The science behind cold lasers is based on using a wavelength that penetrates the body to an appropriate level and using a pulsing frequency or continuous wave that interacts with the tissue to inhibit or excite the damaged area. More than one treatment is helpful.
Feeling heard is an important step in healing.
Tapping points
Tapping points
These points correspond to traditional Chinese medicine acupoints found along the body’s meridians to calm the brain and let you move forward.
Moxibustion is the term for the burning of MOXA. It is derived from the Japanese word for the herb mugwort, “mogusa,” and the Latin word for burning, “bustion.”
The purpose of burning moxa on points or along channels is to warm, build qi and blood and yang, circulate, and dispel dampness. Moxibustion is very good for treating deficient and cold conditions, as it helps add qi and blood to the body and is warming. Acupuncture typically is understood to help bring balance to the body, but does not supplement the body like moxa does.
Moxa is aged mugwort that is dried and ground up into a fine and fluffy product, referred to as “moxa wool.” It is very light and typically is a green, gold or brown in color. This product can be made into sticks or poles with paper surrounding it and used over the skin to warm points and channels. Moxa is also made into small cones or rice shaped and sized grains and used directly on the skin on particular acupuncture points. Moxa can also be burned atop needles, either shaped into balls and stuck on top and burned, or tiny sticks of moxa can be burned on top of the needle.
While many say that moxa has a pleasant smell, many others complain that the smell is similar to marijuana.
Cupping involves placing small cups on troubled areas of the body. This creates suction pulling on the tissue. The goal is to help relax muscles and tissues, relieve pain, and aid in the body's natural healing processes.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, cupping opens skins pores and stimulates blood flow. Cupping is thought to help balance the flow of energy called the qi