Back to School & Brain Health

It's back to school for most within the next couple of weeks. Brain health and mental focus is important and of interest to many students and parents. The brain and nervous system need healthy fats, quality proteins, and vitamins for peak performance.

Protein. . . fish, beef (grass-fed), chicken, lamb, buffalo, turkey, and eggs contain the necessary amino acids for proper neurological functioning. All protein isn’t the same! Corn-fed Beef and Chicken meat is low in Tryptophan. Tyrosine is the building block of dopamine, epinephrine (helps focus) and Tryptophan is the building block of serotonin (for the happy feelings) & melatonin (vital for sleep and anti-cancer). Taurine, Glycine, and GABA are amino acids which decrease stress, soothe, and help relaxation.

We need fat. Omega 3's, omega 9's, and saturated fats are essential for brain health (You read that right . . . saturated fats). Your brain is essentially fat and it needs healthy fats for proper repair and function. Fish (pharmaceutical grade fish oil), butter (grass-fed cows), avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and some nuts (walnuts) are wonderful for brain health. Fish is full of EPA and DHA which help transmit molecular messages. Omega 3's help raise dopamine levels! Grass-fed (Kerry Gold) butter's butyrate helps make GABA and is protective from colon cancer.

The SAD (standard american diet) is too high in omega 6's (french fries, chips, fried foods, fast foods, farmed fish, non-organic beef, canola oil) which are not conducive to health. Trans-fats and high diet of omega-6 leads to depression, heart disease, and cancer rates.

Sugar, flour, caffeine, drugs (tobacco, marijuana, etc.), and alcohol deplete the body of important amino acids and neurotransmitters which lead to inability to focus, apathy, irritability, anxiety, worry, obsessive compulsiveness, low energy, etc. None of these feelings work for you in school or work. It may appear that tobacco, caffeine, and sugary snacks help focus and stress, but those qualities are short-lived and do not serve you in the long-term.

B-vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium and calcium are necessary in changing amino acids into neurotransmitters. A B-vitamin can be a great stress buster. Take it in the morning since some B's can keep you up if taken late in the day.

School can also bring tears to young children when Mom or Dad drop them off. Flower essences can help tone down the tears, stress, or trauma. Bach Rescue Remedy liquid (2-3 drops) or a pastille (alcohol-free) can help alleviate the stress of the temporary separation.