Vis Medicatrix Naturae (The Vis, The Healing Power of Nature)
Naturopathic medicine & Acupuncture are integrative, respecting the art of ancient and traditional healing methods while integrating the science of biochemistry, physiology, genetics, and nutrition. The idea is that practitioner must locate the root cause of the disease- or dis-ease in order to allow health to flourish. Naturopathic medicine & Acupuncture are a proactive approach to health and wellness, emphasized by a model that is preventive, personalized, and requires the full participation of the patient.
Tolle Causam
Identify & Treat the Cause
In order to heal, we must determine how and why health deteriorated. Whether it’s lack of sleep, suboptimal nutrition, viral, bacterial, fungal, heavy metal toxicity, chemicals, food intolerances, lack of movement, etc.
Docere (Doctor as teacher)
Self-care, self-responsibility, positive & sustainable lifestyle habits are necessary in working toward optimal health. Docere, means to instruct, teach, or point-out. This is the role of the naturopath and acupuncturist, to teach and guide the person towards health.
Treat the whole person
Naturopathic medicine & acupuncture are holistic, looking at the entire person: the body (physical being), mind, and soul (or psyche). Treating the whole person also takes into consideration: the physical, mental, emotional, genetic, epi-genetic, environmental, & social factors. It is sometimes as simple as respect and meeting people where they are at.
“We cannot help serious or chronic illness without changing some part of our life pattern, and change is, without a doubt the most frightening challenge in healing”