Reconnecting to the Earth - Earthing

“We are bioelectrical beings living on an electrical planet.”-

Remember as children running barefoot on soil? Do you recall sleeping on the ground under the stars on a family camping trip? When’s the last time your barefoot feet have touched the ground?

Examine how the past is very different from the present. Native peoples walked barefoot or with leather soled shoes, they sat, and slept on the ground. In the present, notice how shoes have a rubber sole, we sit in chairs, we sleep off the ground on beds. Most people don’t make physical contact with the ground at all.

Consider that physical contact with the Earth transfers natural electrical energy (electrons) to the body; and there is evidence this connection makes us less vulnerable to stress and illness. Research from the Earthing Institute has provided evidence that, “the Earth generates a powerful and positive shift in the electrical state of the body and restores natural self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms.” The institute has consistent evidence of people who have grounded themselves having reduction of pain.

There is discussion and evidence that children with reduced attention and high hyperactivity (e.g. ADHD) could benefit from spending time in nature (away from electronics) and sleeping on the ground.

Taking off your shoes and standing barefoot in the grass may be a great part of your daily well being.

Be Well.

Are you Chronically Dehydrated?

“How much water do you drink daily?”

“Oh, not enough. I really need to drink more.” (See, people know they need to drink more water.)

“How many glasses or ounces?”

“I don’t know, maybe 3 glasses.” (which is maybe only 24 ounces)

I write on the top of the treatment plan, “Drink filtered water, half your body weight in ounces daily.”

We all know we should drink more water. We all are known that water is wonderful, healthy, and helps flush out waste products.

Let’s review why water is so necessary.

60-90% of each individual Cell is made of water. (Fat cells are about 40% water, bones are about 22% water, Blood is 92% water.)

Water provides for cellular function and cellular structural requirements. Less water intake decreases the efficiency of cellular activity. Just to clarify, less water means slower metabolic functioning.

Water gives us energy. Water has an essential role in all aspects of metabolism through water dependent (hydrolysis) chemical reactions. At the cell membrane, the osmotic flow of water through the membrane generates “hydroelectric” (millivolts) energy that is converted and stored as ATP and GTP, which are two sources of energy in the body (fatigue can be a sign of dehydration).

Nerve transmissions require water. Headaches are often caused by or related to dehydration. Muscle contractions require water. Do you have cramps? Try a pinch of quality celtic sea salt followed by a big glasses of water. Digestion requires water. Have an ulcer? Start hydrating with water. Cardiac Efficiency requires water. Higher blood pressure? Consider hydrating, low blood volume can make arteries constrict increasing the pressure. Dry skin is often a sign of dehydration.

Water is important in cellular architecture. It forms cellular structures, patterns, and shapes. Water is structured into proteoglycans to give joints lubrication and cushion. Joint pain may be an indicator of chronic dehydration.

Proteins and enzymes work better in more fluid solutions. Water decreases viscosity, allowing more fluid movement. Think of less water in cells giving a more sludge-like disposition. Cellular metabolism gets gummed up and cellular wastes have more difficulty exiting the body.

Water is the means of detoxification through sweat, mucus and urine. We lose water with each breath in a dry climate.

Unfortunately the drive to eat is louder and stronger than the thirst sensation. People confuse hunger with thirst, and this confusion worsens as we age. Most people don’t actually need that afternoon snack, what they really need is a big glass of water. The 3 pm energy slump can often be eliminated just by hydrating with water.

As my undergraduate professor often said, “We live in a Goldilocks world.” We need water, but not too much.  Over-hydrating is difficult for most people to achieve, but has been accomplished notably most often by: athletes, military, and fraternity’s during hazing rituals. Hyponatremia (not enough salt) occurs when people binge on water. Too much water dilutes electrolytes and can result in a life-threatening condition. A good rule is drink half your weight in ounces daily. If you engage in strenuous exercise, drink about 2 cups of fluid for every pound you “lost” during the work out.

Water is essential to living organisms. A human can’t survive more than 3 days without water. The power of water allows a seed to grow.

There is an entire book written about the importance of water and disease states caused by lack of water: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by F. Batmanghelidj MD, first published in 1995.

Microbial Friends: Molding the Immune System

Human bodies are essentially ecosystems. Microbes live on and in us. On skin and within intestines, among other places. We have a symbiotic relationship with many different types of bacteria. They are a vital component to health and conversely can be a cause of disease.

Certain strains of bacteria protect us from pathogenic (Bad) bacteria. The “good” bacteria inhibit the “bad” through competition.

Intestinal Bacteria determine how our immune system responds. For example, A higher composition of intestinal Bifidobacterium is correlated with a decrease in allergies in infants. Healthy, non-allergic infants have more Bifidus bacteria.

People suffering from Crohn disease or Ulcerative colitis have lower levels of bifidobacterium and lactobacilli. When bifidobacteria is supplied through supplementation, studies indicate that symptoms go away; but when supplementation stops, symptoms return. There is something internal that is not allowing Bifidus to grow and colonize the intestines naturally.

Most disease conditions have a lower level of bifidobacterium. Normal microflora is necessary to the development of the immune system.

Too much hygiene gets rid of microflora, increasing the prevalence of allergies. Be sure your Probiotic foods or supplement contain both Lactobacilli acidophilus and Bifidobacterium.

Wishing you wonderful health!

the microbial world

Only Use Distilled, Sterile Water in Neti Pots- or previously boiled water.

Using Neti pots for nasal washes is a wonderful home treatment for seasonal allergies and colds, however nasal washes have been in the news recently in two recent cases of transmitting a “brain eating” amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, a very rare infection. The two new cases are the first reported from tap water.

Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals in the past issued a warning to residents: Don’t use tap water to rinse your nasal passages. “Tap water is safe for drinking, but not for irrigating your nose,” Raoult Ratard, from Louisiana’s state epidemiologist said in a statement.

In 2011, a 51 year old woman in Louisiana died after being infected with Naegleria fowleri, a parasite which enters the body through the nose; after entering the body can cause meningitis. The amoeba was likely in the tap water the woman used to rinse her nasal passages.

Naegleria fowleri lives in freshwater in warm climates (like the southern U.S.)- the amoeba enters the nasal passage during swimming in lakes, ponds or during facial immersion and enters the brain through the olfactory nerve (connecting the nose to the brain), into the fluid behind the brain causing meningitis.

Use only distilled, sterile water or previously boiled water, and to rinse the neti pot (or irrigation device) before use and allow it to air dry between uses.

Homotoxicology: Detoxification & Drainage. Understanding the Progression of Disease and its Treatment.

You are as healthy as your cells. Our body is made up of cells with space in between. Cells uptake various nutrients and more (oxygen, glucose, etc) and cells metabolize and create waste. If we think of the body as a bucket, with the goal of keeping an empty bucket- to keep nutrients, hormones, environmental chemicals, and microbes moving in and waste and metabolized chemicals moving out.

Absorbed, consumed, inhaled toxins, including: hormones, chemicals, allergens, pharmaceuticals, plastics, pollution, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, as well as stresses fill up the bucket; the goal is an empty bucket. At the bottom of the bucket is a spigot. The spigot represents your primary detoxification organs such as the Lungs, Kidney, Liver, Digestive tract, Lymph, Immune system, Skin, and emotions.

Once the organs of detoxification become overworked, they can no longer empty the bucket at a suitable rate, the bucket fills with toxins and stress due to the over loaded system. Toxins build up in the primary detoxification organs, slowing down the enzymatic reactions necessary to metabolize endogenous and exogenous chemicals, resulting in functionally stressed detox organs. Symptoms develop as the body uses alternative or secondary detoxification routes including: the skin (rashes, eczema), musculoskeletal system (achy joints), mucous membranes, mental/emotional changes, and nervous symptoms.

Developed over fifty years ago in Germany, Homotoxicology helps detoxify the body to restore natural biorhythms and physiology. With the continuous development of chemicals used in the home and industry, the world has become more toxic. Health has declined and chronic conditions become common. Health cannot be achieved without ridding the body of toxins and toxicants. Toxins/toxicants disrupt physiology and the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

The progression of disease in six phases:

  1. Excretion phase (ridding the body of toxic products). Symptoms may include: intense sweating, difficulty concentration, tears, joint pains, myalgia, coughing, sneezing, heartburn, diarrhea, frequent urination, lymphedema, electrolyte shifts, susceptibility to infection.

  1. Inflammation (Intense cleaning by an activated defense system). In the Inflammation phase there may be: acne, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, epicondylitis, acute sprains, bronchitis, gastroenteritis (tummy trouble), urinary tract infection, lipid metabolism disturbance (gallbladder, cholesterol, triglycerides), acute infections, thyroiditis, weak immune system.

  1. Deposition (Storage of toxins in the extracellular space) Nevi, nasal polyps, arterioscleosis, gallbladder or kidney stones, polycythemia (too many blood cells), lymph-node swelling, gout, obesity, goiter.

  1. Impregnation (Invasion of Toxins into the cell) Allergies, asthma, rosacea, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic gastritis, chronic UTI’s, metabolic syndrome, adrenal exhaustion, dyslipidemia, menopausal symptoms, recurrent vaginitis, hyperthyroidism, glucose intolerance, chronic infections, autoimmune disease.

  1. Degeneration (Destruction of the cells by toxins). Scleroderma, alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, atrophic gastritis, renal atrophy, anemia, fibrosis, diabetes.

  1. Dedifferentiation (Neoplastic Changes in the Cell). Tumors. Cancer.

In more advanced stages of degeneration and dedifferentiation, it is important to combine homotoxicology with conventional medical care. Acute symptoms are treated first, followed by more chronic symptoms. Each person is unique and course of treatment will vary. Most often conditions will require 12-18 weeks of consistent remedy use. For severe problems, the time of the active remedy use may take up to a year.

How do Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture Benefit you?

Remember back to a time when your skin got a cut, maybe a paper cut. It bleeds, flushing out bacteria and dirt, then you might clean it and leave it alone; maybe you put a bandaid on it to protect it. In a couple of days it heals up beautifully.

This is the beauty of the human body. We are designed to heal.

But let’s pretend that instead of allowing the wound to heal, we continuously brush it and rub against it. In this scenario the wound is not allow to heal. The irritated wound may get infected and scar. This leads to adaptive physiology, the wound tries to heal appropriately, but has to adapt to the situation.

Holistic (Naturopathic, Acupuncture, Chiropractic) medicine works by normalizing your physiology (the proper functioning of the human body). Once your physiology is corrected the pathology goes away. Your body wants to heal; it is designed to heal. Pathological [otherwise known as: disease/chronic conditions] change is really “Adaptive Physiology.” Your body has no other option and is forced to compensate in this manner.

Healing will occur if given the chance. What we do is discuss possible obstacles to healing which may be affecting you and work on repairing the systems that are not allowing proper functioning, such as: Poor diet, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, imbalances of the immune-hormonal-neurotransmitter systems, poor sleep, chemical toxicities, sluggish metabolic systems, heavy metal exposures (amalgam fillings, water from lead pipes, etc.), radiation exposures, pathogen overgrowth (bacteria, virus’s, yeast, parasites), and emotional toxicities (negative self-talk, etc.). “Better living through chemistry” brought both convenience and exposures to toxic chemicals and endocrine-mimicking plastics. Advances in electronics and building materials makes heavy metal exposures more prevalent. Generally, the world is becoming more toxic, and most people are deficient in vital nutrients; which slow healing or results in adaptive physiological changes (i.e. disease, chronic conditions).

Often pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed once you are diagnosed with a chronic condition. Unfortunately, drugs are not designed to normalize physiology, because of this, it is impossible for a drug to heal you or to even promote healing. Pharmaceuticals remove the symptom, often requiring life long use. True healing is only accomplished by your body.

When it concerns your health care, there are options. Your body is made to heal.

Do you have an Overworked & Sluggish Liver?

Everything you eat or are exposed to, your liver has to deal with. The liver is one of the most important components of the gastrointestinal system. It is responsible for the processing of carbohydrates, fats, synthesizing essential substances such as: bile, glycogen, and proteins. The liver is also the body’s primary site of detoxification, of both environmental and metabolic toxins (poisons).  The liver is the detoxification site of the body for impurities in the blood, whether they are chemical, bacterial, or allergic.

Immune & Detox

Hepatocytes play a huge role in the immune system, they synthesize 50% of the lymph fluid, as well as 95% of plasma proteins-albumin and globulin. Globulin is the backbone for the immune systems antibodies. The liver also is responsible for the ability of the blood to clot (coagulation).

Kupffer cells line the vessels in the liver; these cells engulf bacteria, toxins, and other foreign matter that come from the intestines. 99% of bacteria escapees are trapped here. When the quantity of colon particulate matter/debris increases, there is a corresponding increase in Kupffer cells- but there are limitations, and eventually a toxic bowel will overwhelm the capacity of the liver. Kupffer cells also trap: bacterial and fungal toxins, large antigenic/allergic molecules and antigen-allergy complexes.

Hepatocytes detox the body through an elaborate microsomal enzyme system (P-450), detoxifying potentially poisonous compounds: herbicides, pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives, hydrocarbons, metals, pharmaceutical medications, plant toxins, and alcohol. Liver enzyme systems also metabolize/detox our own hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, insulin, cortisol, and adrenaline.

Digestion & Cholesterol & Bile

The Liver is responsible for making bile, which is composed of bile salts (cholesterol, lecithin, and bilirubin) which emulsifies and allows the absorption of fats. Bile imbalances, leading to gallstones is caused from too much cholesterol and too little lecithin; a diet too high in: fat and sugar, and too low in fiber. Imbalances in bile leads to poor fat soluble vitamin absorption and poor essential fatty acid absorption.

Liver cells (Hepatocytes) make cholesterol. Cholesterol is the base molecule that eventually becomes adrenal hormones and sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, etc.). Cholesterol also has an important role as and antioxidant in cell membranes, reducing free radical pathology.


The liver produces 60% of the useable energy derived from the metabolism of dietary fat. The liver also regulates blood sugar levels, converting glucose to glycogen (allowing sugar storage & removing excess sugar from the blood). The liver can also increase blood sugar levels by converting protein to glucose. The same cascade that the liver uses to make Cholesterol, it also makes CoQ10, which is important in cellular energy production.


The liver’s work is never done. It stores vitamins B-12, A, and D, and the mineral iron (as ferritin). It converts B vitamins from their in-active to active forms (i.e. B-6, pyridoxine to pyridoxal-5 phosphate). If your liver is overworked and sluggish you may not respond to in-active forms of the B vitamins, you may require activated forms. The liver makes glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which increases the function of insulin at the cellular level; as well as making glutathione, a critical antioxidant.

A Tired, Sluggish Liver

By now we can begin to understand that the liver is a busy, busy organ. A toxic bowel (i.e. constipation, etc.) leaks poisons into the bloodstream that travel down to the portal vein, and into the liver. If your liver is forced to take over your bowels work, it’s ability to detoxify the body will be compromised. Harmful substances then escape into the blood and circulate, injuring tissue and diminishing health.

Symptoms of a sluggish liver may include:


Gallbladder problems


Achy joints and muscles


Sore feet


Slow wound healing

Elevated Blood Pressure



Dry skin






Hypoglycemia/Blood sugar issues


Bowel Toxicity




Intolerant to fatty foods

Eating with the Season: Autumn

Many traditional cultures (including: Ayurvedic tradition and Chinese medicine tradition) eat according to seasons. In Chinese medicine the human body is seen as a microcosm of the natural world. Chinese dietary tradition recommends eating foods that harmonize with the present season. Autumn correlates with the lung system, which dominates respiration, circulation, body fluid metabolism, and the skin. Immunity issues and melancholy emotions predominate the autumn season, as the body turns inward to prepare for winter.

During the autumn season, the days become shorter and colder. Cold dry weather often causes itchy throats, dry noses, chapped lips, dry skin, and dry stools. Foods with moisture become important to ensure the body can balance the cold, dry weather. Foods that help moisture are a good choice such as: eggs, apples, nuts and seeds, pears, pumpkin, and honey. Autumn is time to start eating warmer, heavier foods in preparation for the winter. In winter the focus becomes storing energy, rest, and meditation. Warming, strengthening, building foods like: lamb, soups, stews, warm squash meals, and porridges are eaten along with warming or immune enhancing herbs like garlic, ginger, and astragalus. In autumn and winter it is a good idea to eat fewer cold salads and eat more soups.

However, not everyone will benefit from eating with the season. Healing traditions including: Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and Anthroposophical medicine recommend eating accordingly to your constitution. If your constitution is balanced you ought to do well eating with the season. However if you are unbalanced, for example if you have excessive heat or yang energy you may do best with cooling foods like leafy vegetables and fresh fruits despite the autumn temperatures.

Clinical Nutrition

A health promoting diet is the foundation of wellness. Clinical nutrition consists of using diet and nutritional supplements (vitamin, minerals, etc.) as a therapeutic modality.

Recommendations will be made on an individual basis taking into consideration your current lifestyle and nutrition, your health concerns, any allergies and sensitivities, and your wellness goals. A specific diet may be recommended. Resources such as books, nutritional literature and recipes may be recommended or supplied to help support and guide you on your nutritional plan.

Your treatment plan will likely include nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements may be added if you require a pharmaceutical dose of nutrient versus a typical food does. Nutritional supplements are able to make up for nutrients which are not readily available in your diet. If your body has a difficulty with digestion or absorption, supplements are in a concentrated enough form to help your body absorb necessary nutrients. Nutritional supplements are often taken as a: chewable, capsule, tablet, or powder.

may recommend a 7-10 day diet diary as part of your treatment plan. There are many reasons for completing a diet diary, such as: helping determine your typical diet if no routine is established or if your diet varies dramatically day to day; it may also help determine any foods that may be aggravating your health condition; and it may give us insight into ways to adapt your diet to provide a better balance of nutrients.

Food, vital to life, is the foundation of health and well being. Food should be safe, but safety can be an issue due to contamination from pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, heavy metals, allergens, molds, bacteria, and GMOs. Please purchase only non-GMO foods. There have been studies which indicate that GMO’s may contribute to tumor growth and destruction of the small intestinal villi.

Wash fruits and vegetables before consuming or cooking. Consider purchasing organically grown foods or pesticide-free foods when able or at minimum buy organic foods if the food is listed on the environmental working group’s “dirty dozen” list. Foods on the 2013 dirty dozen list include apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, imported nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, sweet bell peppers, kale/collard greens, and summer squash. Consuming organically grown foods or pesticide-free foods should reduce your exposure to herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and heavy metals associated with them.

Clinical Nutrition includes vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids which may be recommended in supplement form. The issue of supplement quality is important, which is why I can be very specific when recommending a nutraceutical company’s product. There are many reputable supplement companies which carefully source, process, and test their batches to ensure potency of the product and verify that there is no heavy metal or microbial contamination

How Sunlight Benefits Health

Have you seen the Sun today? Most American’s are lacking this vital nutrient.
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin named cholecalciferol when in it’s active D3 form is made when skin is exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation from sunlight. It can also be consumed from the diet when UVB radiation is insufficient for D3 synthesis by the skin. Vitamin D is biologically inactive, it must be metabolized to it’s active forms. Vitamin D first comes into being by being synthesized in the skin’s epidermis or it can be consumed. Once it comes into being it enters the blood and goes to the liver where it changes to 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Then it travels to the kidney where it is altered to 1,25-dihydroxyvitmain D (the most potent form), most physiological effects of Vitamin D are due to this form.

How Vitamin D Helps Our Health

Vitamin D’s actions are completed through a vitamin D receptor; more than 50 genes in tissues throughout the body are known to be regulated by 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D. Vitamin D plays a role in health by maintaining serum calcium levels. It normalizes calcium in the blood by increasing intestinal absorption or reabsorption from the kidneys; it may takes calcium from bone if blood calcium is too low. Active vitamin D inhibits cell proliferation and makes cells differentiate, both protect against cancerous cell development. Vitamin D is also an immune system modulator.

Modern Americans are often low in vitamin D from any of the following factors: breast milk doesn’t contain vitamin D, dark skin decreases synthesis of Vitamin D, aging reduces capacity to make vitamin D, sunscreen and covering exposed skin blocks synthesis, it’s fat soluble so fat malabsorption syndromes impair absorption, inflammatory bowel disease hinders absorption, obesity increase risk of deficiency.

Vitamin D is important for gene regulation, calcium balance, cell differentiation, Immunity, Insulin secretion, Blood pressure regulation. Deficiency can result in weak or deformed bones (osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets).

The take home message is get tested for vitamin D3, find out what your levels are so you may properly supplement. A little bit of sun light is not a bad thing (10-15 minutes is recommended daily without any sunscreen which blocks the UVB), just don’t stay out too long and get burned! Osteoporosis is common with aging, vitamin D3 helps protect bone health and is correlated with less risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Healthy vitamin D3 levels decreases autoimmune disease and cancer risks including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer.

Vitamin D toxicity is a risk. Lab testing and doctor supervision is recommended. Too high vitamin D levels exacerbates bone loss and causes calcification of the heart and kidneys.